Our Services

PrintNZ is the Industry Association for the print, packaging and visual communication industries. Our experienced team works with businesses of all sizes to provide information, advice and practical assistance on issues affecting our members and our industry.

Compliance and Advice

PrintNZ Members have access to clear, direct advice and practical assistance on a broad range of employment and industrial relations issues.

Save time and lawyers fees by utilising our services in the following areas.

Employment/Industrial Relations

  • Customised Employment Agreements.
  • Advice, templates and procedures on hiring staff, disciplinary issues, restructuring, redundancy, mediating employment disputes, collective bargaining.

Health & Safety

  • Policies, procedures and documentation. 
  • Process Manual & Templates available for members to purchase. 
  • Our specialists can conduct audits and health-checks.

Lean Manufacturing

  • Advice, support and information.

Hazardous Substances

  • Policies, procedures and documentation.

Miscellaneous Legal/Compliance issues

  • Templates for a wide range of compliance issues to assist your business.

Communication with Members

PrintNZ communicates with Members regularly. We disseminate information from Government, industry and other sources to report back to Members in a concise manner.

We engage with members through regular face to face visits that help us to understand their businesses and provide information that is relevant and pertains to their individual needs.

Our website provides the latest news, events, an opportunity for Members to list their services and a comprehensive 'Members Only' area containing downloadable templates such as employment agreements, terms of trade and time sheets etc.

In addition we provide:

  • Referrals for new business
  • Use of PrintNZ Member logo
  • Branding opportunities
  • Seminars & training opportunities
  • Industry conference
  • Regional networking functions and events
  • Regular e-newsletter
  • Quarterly printed newsletter

Information for Business Planning

PrintNZ Members have access to a broad range of information to assist with business planning.

Members use this information to help with benchmarking, assessing employment and economic conditions and making business decisions.

PrintNZ Industry Report

This includes sections on wage and chargeout rates, productivity, environmental, business activity and industry macro analysis.

Industry Survey

This includes data and commentary on current business conditions and relevant topics in the industry.

Business Healthcheck

This provides Members with the opportunity to obtain an independent report on the financial health of their business.


PrintNZ keeps a close eye on proposed changes to Government legislation that may affect businesses in our industry. Our work in this area includes lobbying Government, making submissions and making sure the industry's voice is heard.

Industry Promotion

PrintNZ takes a leadership approach in the area of industry promotion, actively promoting print as an effective communication tool through the following programmes.

Print: Part of Life

This campaign contains positive messages about the important role print plays in life.  The campaign is designed to educate both buyers and consumers about print's irreplaceable role in their lives and inform them of what print can offer. It presents people with the facts about print and reinforces the many benefits that print offers as part of the marketing mix.

 Print PoL Logo (CMYK)

Two Sides

PrintNZ are committed to promoting the responsible production, use and recovery of Print and Paper through the Two Sides programme that highlights facts from opinion and provides you with the relevant information to make a sustainable choice. http://www.twosides.info/ 

Value of Paper and Print

A campaign driven to promote the efficacy and engagement of print and paper as a relevant, effective and modern media channel. http://valueofpaperandprint.com.au/ 

Education and Professional Development

People are the most valuable asset of your business.

PrintNZ actively supports industry training and works alongside the Industry Training Organisation (Competenz). We can assist Members to up-skill and cross-skill their staff to benefit the business and ensure the skills of their workforce remain up to date.

Competenz provides a wide range of training options from industry based technical skills through to generic skills and at a higher level, the Diploma in Management - Print.

PrintNZ also runs workshops, seminars and a biennial conference, providing Members with the opportunity to learn about key issues affecting businesses and the industry.

Specialist Groups

Member Discounts

PrintNZ has negotiated a number of discounts on business services for our Members.

These include:

  • Petrol
  • Stationery
  • Safety products
  • Insurance
  • Accreditation programmes
  • Workplace training
  • First Aid Courses
  • Site Safe 

PrintNZ Members can also save a significant amount of money by accessing legal advice from PrintNZ in the areas of employment, industrial relations and compliance. For example, acquiring an employment agreement from a lawyer can cost in excess of $1000. With PrintNZ this is provided free of charge as part of your membership fee. Take advantage of PrintNZ's offer, we can be your HR advisor anyday. 

Membership Fees

Membership of PrintNZ provides you with access to the full range of services for a simple monthly fee.

The fees are:

  • Small (2-10 staff): $87.00 per month.
  • Medium (11-25 staff): $174.00 per month.
  • Large (26+ staff): $337.00 per month.
  • Multi Site: P.O.A

These amounts are exclusive of GST.